Book 3: My Imaginary Ex
Task: Discussion Director
Assigned: Steven Jay Silah

1.    Who/what is the inspiration of the author in writing this novel?
2.    How would you accept a deal if someone wanted you to be his/her imaginary ex?
3.    If you were to choose your imaginary ex, who would it be? Why?

1.    I think that one that inspires the author was her beauty of imagination. Her creation was very unique for having a story of guy who is dealing his friend to be his imaginary ex girlfriend. But maybe Mina (the author) had the chance to experience this kind of relationship since the she have narrated the story well.

2.    This is quite a difficult question from me=). I guess if a good friend wanted my help then why not? I think the foundation of this pretention is that, the two of you must be a good friend so that you know each other’s past experiences and that you can easily make stories related to your lie.

3.    With no hesitations, I would choose Sarah Geronimo or Robi Dominggo. I really like Sarah G. at the first place. Also I like her personality and that she is so talented. and  Robi Dominggo because during the PPB Teen Edition I like his way of dealing people, his intelligent and he is a good host and dancer. I think these two people are public figures where in, there is a big chance that I can be famous too for having them, as my imaginary ex. hahaha

Task: Connector
Assigned: Rhea Nova Tindugan

Just like Jasmine in the “My Imaginary Ex” who pretended to be a girlfriend of Zach, I have also experienced to pretend as a girlfriend. But that did not end happily unlike her and Zach’s.
            When I was in high school, a “friend” of mine I mean someone who is just acquainted with me asked me to pretend as her girlfriend. Yes, it is “her” because she is a lesbian. She and her girlfriend had a misunderstanding that time and she wanted her girlfriend to get jealous. We were walking on a plaza that time with my friends when she saw her girlfriend and suddenly asked me to be her acting girlfriend. I was shocked with what she said and I just laughed. But she really begged me to do so. So, because we were on the situation where I could no longer think I then agreed to her. For me, that was nothing. It was just like pretending for just a moment until she would get what she wanted her girlfriend’s reaction would be.

Suddenly, she then grabbed my hand. I was not expecting that she would do that. I was embarrassed by what she did, but I did not show it. I just abruptly took off my hand and started to make a conversation that would let us forget our agreement. After what happened, I did not like to be acquainted with her anymore. I did not know why but the second time I saw her after what happened I did not want to talk or even look at her anymore.

             I was glad that we were not so acquainted and I only seldom see her because she lives far away from our place. However, I feel so bad with what I was doing, neglecting her and pretending that I did not even know her whenever I saw her. I realized that I became too bad at her so I just cleared my heart and pretended nothing had happened. Now, I am ready to give her a smile again.

Task: Artful Adventurer
Assigned: John Vincent Amoguis


It was not a big deal, actually
That You and I pretended to be ex-sweetie;
But unexpectedly, I fell in love with thee
And you felt the same way too to me.

We parted together without informing each other;
We lived our lives and did many matters
‘Till one day, we found each other
To play again that pretention matter.

I wanna tell our friends that we’re on lying
Playing such a childish acting;
They call and say it-pretending
Pretending that came up with a true feeling

Pretending is not an easy deed;
It requires more effort, indeed!
But true love won’t lie,
It comes out before we die.

Task: Literary Luminary
Assigned: Ruel Labios

“Well this is my reaction.  It is developed, but you’re getting it. You’re a jerk.”
“When I get the invitation/ I wanted to tear it to shreds, and shove it down your throat. I hated that you are getting married, hated that I didn’t even know who she was until that night, hated that you didn’t even bother to tell me yourself. I thought it was a good thing you disappeared from my life because I would kill you the next time I saw you”
            When the person whom you used to be with left you, it is the time that you will realize that that person is the one you really love. Sometimes it needs to be apart to realize the worth of someone.

These lines of Jasmine struck me the most. It shows the strength, courage, braveness of a woman. It was full with emotions. With these lines Jasmine expressed her disappointment with Zachary and at the same time she showed her love to Zachary. She was disappointed because she loved Zachary.

When Jasmine said these lines to Zac, she also found a way to say how she really love Zac, how to express her love to him. These lines are the turning point of Jasmine and Zac’s life. If Jasmine never said these words I doubt if it will be the same.

Task: Vocabulary Enricher
Assigned: Mary Grace Apdua

Our third book was all about “My imaginary Ex”. This story was about love; love that was realized after so many years. I like the story much, I giggled every time I read the sweet moments of Zack and Jasmine. Zack and Jasmine were the main character of the story. They were best friends for a long time. Jasmine realized that she was in love to Zack by the help of the exes of Zack. Jasmine made a way to trapped Zack before he will get married. She did her best and in fact, her efforts were not wasted. After their conversation, they knew their feelings for each other and Zack cancel his marriage to Kimmy. He chooses Jasmine to be his girl forever.

            My role was “Vocabulary Enricher” and this is my work. Below are the words that I found in the story, seems to be difficult to me and which I cannot really know the meaning:

Chapter 1
§  Barkada - group of friends
§  Flips - a class of mixed drinks. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term was first used in 1695 to describe a mixture of beer, rum, and sugar, heated with a red-hot iron
§  Perkyhaving a buoyant or self-confident air; briskly cheerful. Jaunty; sprightly.
§  Yoga- a Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility.
§  Tomboyish- used of girls; wild and boisterous  ; ot womanly; "the logical clearness of her arguments
§  Latte- coffee made with hot milk
§  Pharma- a company that makes and sells pharmaceuticals

Chapter 2
§  Cringing- To shrink back, as in fear; cower
§  Shun- To avoid deliberately; keep away from
§  Geek- A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept
§  Forkful- A utensil with two or more prongs, used for eating or serving food
§  Clique- A small exclusive group of friends or associates
§  Intimacy- close or warm friendship or understanding; personal relationship
§  Sheepish- Embarrassed, as by consciousness of a fault

Chapter 3
§  Lamest- Disabled so that movement, especially walking, is difficult or impossible
§  Clinched- o fix or secure (a nail or bolt, for example) by bending down or flattening the pointed end that protrudes
§  Furtively- Expressive of hidden motives or purposes; shifty
§  Slyly- Clever or cunning, especially in the practice of deceit

Chapter 4
§  Canon- An ecclesiastical law or code of laws established by a church council
§  Petulantly- Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish
§  Defiance­- intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude; readiness to contend or resist
§  Deflate- To reduce or lessen the size or importance of
§  Vehemently- Characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; fervid

Chapter 5
§  Accentuated- To pronounce with a stress or accent

Chapter 6
§  Ensemble- A group of musicians, singers, dancers, or actors who perform together
§  Flimsy- Light, thin, and insubstantial
§  Prodded- To jab or poke, as with a pointed object.
§  Reimburse- To pay back or compensate (another party) for money spent or losses incurred
§  Sauntered- To walk at a leisurely pace; stroll

Chapter 7
§  Sober- Habitually abstemious in the use of alcoholic liquors or drugs; temperate

Chapter 8
§  Condescending- Displaying a patronizingly superior attitude
§  Cocky(smile)- very self-confident or self-assertive
§  Pave- to cover uniformly, as if with pavement
§  Jerk - To give a sudden quick thrust, push, pull, or twist to
§  Quaint- Charmingly odd, especially in an old-fashioned way
§  Erratic- Lacking consistency, regularity, or uniformity
§  KarmaHinduism & Buddhism The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny
§  Pissed- Extremely irritated or angry. Often used with off
§  Obnoxious- Very annoying or objectionable; offensive or odious
§  Surreal- Having qualities attributed to or associated with surrealism
§  Idly- Not employed or busy
§  Busty- having a large bosom and pleasing curves

Chapter 10
§  Duffel- a heavy woolen cloth with a thick nap

Chapter 11
§  Stammered- to speak with involuntary pauses or repetitions

Chapter 12
§  Frantically- Highly excited with strong emotion or frustration; frenzied
§  Taut- Pulled or drawn tight; not slack

Chapter 13
§  Budge- To move or stir slightly

Chapter 14
§  Hunches- An intuitive feeling or a premonition

Chapter 15
§  Snippets- A bit, scrap, or morsel
§  Prudish- Marked by or exhibiting the characteristics of a prude; priggish

Chapter 16
§  Indignant- Characterized by or filled with indignation
§  Limply- To walk lamely, especially with irregularity, as if favoring one leg
§  Cathartic- An agent for purging the bowels, especially a laxative
§  Adamantly- inflexibly; unshakably
§  Stupor- A state of reduced or suspended sensibility

Chapter 17
§  Somber- Dull or dark in color

Chapter 19
§  Shudder- To shiver convulsively, as from fear or revulsion

Task: Summarizer
Assigned: Jay Ford Gonzales

Zack and Jasmine went to the same high school but they were never that close. They reconnect when they bump into each other in college and they become good friends. Zack then asks Jasmine to pretend to be his ex because he’s never had a girlfriend before and the girl that he likes doesn’t want to be with someone who’s never been in a relationship. Jasmine agrees, not knowing the consequences of that little lie. Fast forward to the present day, Zack is about to get married to a girl that none of his friends and family really know. It’s up to Jasmine to confront Zack but before she can do that, she has to sort through her own feelings first. 

Task: Character Captain
Assigned: Ma. Cherry Ann Clarin

·         Jasmine
She is a shy girl who became active and outspoken in her high school and college life. She was the best friend of Zac. She is the hiring officer of their company being a graduate of BS Psychology and is good in her craft.
It was in their high school days that she agreed to be Zac's ex-pseudo-girlfriend thinking it would be fun. And now, she is being haunted by the lie. One of Zac's girlfriend texted her and had the biggest shock of her life. Her best friend is getting married to a girl he knew for a month. 
She is the bravest character in the story since she was able to have the spirit to stop the incoming wedding.

·         Zac
He is the cutest guy in their high school days. He was Jasmine's best friend. He was attracted to a girl in their high school years but the later would agree to a relationship if Zac had experienced to have a girlfriend before her. He asked Jasmine to be his ex-pseudo-girlfriend.
Years later, Zac suddenly decided to marry. This makes his ex-girlfriends frantic believing firmly he only loved his best friend.

·         Lena
She was Zac's first girlfriend. She was the one who made contact with Jasmine. She collaborated with the other ex to stop Zac from marrying the 'wrong girl.'

·         Marjorie
She was Zac's second girlfriend. Together with Lena, the two firmly believed that Zac only loved Jasmine even the time that they had their relationship.

·         Kimmy
She was Zac's fiancée. She is beautiful and over self-confident. She hates being dumped and rejected as she was not accustomed to it. She was only marrying Zac and hates to lose him for popularity's sake. She is the antagonist of the story.