Task: Discussion Director
Assigned: Mary Grace Apdua

On the first month of our Literature Circle, I had the opportunity to choose our first book to be read. I choose the story “You Shouldn’t Have to Say Goodbye”. This story was about family. It really makes me cry. It quite a tragic one but you will really learn a lot. I really love the story, it teaches me to give importance to life that we have.

            The story goes this way, a mother who suddenly discovered that she had a cancer; trying to explain to her daughter about her situation. The daughter cannot believe and cannot accept the fact that her mother will soon past away; thinking that everything will be okay, that everyone who had sick will be cure and be lived through all the way. On the last days of the mother’s life, she spent her days, teaching her daughter the different chores. Spending their time together going out with the whole family. You can really saw how the mother really loves her daughter and giving the best that she can on the last days of her life. I realized more that the love of the mother was the best love here in earth.

            On our first Literature Circle, my role was Discussion Director. I don’t have the difficulty in discussing it to our group because I had read it already and my group mates like it.

The following questions below were the question I made for my role as a discussion director:
  1. 1.    If you were the mother in the story, what will be your reaction in the news that you have a cancer? How can you handle it?
  2. 2.    How would you say it to your daughter and your husband?
  3. 3.    How would you spend your time to your family? What would be your last sayings to them?
  4. 4.    If your mother had a cancer, what will be your reaction? What would you do for her few days left?
  5. 5.    What is the lesson you have learned in the story after you read it? What is your perception now in life?
Task: Literary Luminary

Assigned: John Vincent Amoguis

“There’s nothing simple in medicine. Things take time. They’ve operated. They now know what’s wrong. And now they have to see how to treat it. There are medicines, things like that”—Mr. Anderson

-This was the reason of Sarah’s father when she asked him what’s happening to her mom. Well, he said the truth but not really the truth in order for Sarah not to worry very much. He didn’t want Sarah to be lonely especially during Christmas day. He thought this reason was effective that Sarah didn’t react to what he had said. This is a good example of a good father. A good father will find a way or reason not to hurt his son/daughter even though it really does. I hope all daddies will be like him so that all fathers and children will have a good relationship with each other.

“There’s just no easy to tell you this. It’s so damn unfair. It’s melanoma, a terrible kind of cancer, too advanced to do anything. It’s spread to my kidneys-everywhere. They say I’m not going to get better”—Mrs. Anderson

-These were the words that broke off from the mouth of Sarah’s mother when she was confessing to Sarah. It is really hard to confess to someone especially if you are going to hurt his/her feelings. Sometimes, those people who you had confessed to would never understand you and will never want to understand you for it really hurt their feelings. Sarah, a growing up child would get angry if her mother says that she will be leaving her sooner or later. But sometimes those who had being confessed, we should understand their situation because it’s also hard for them to say that confession. They don’t want us to be hurt but telling the truth is a must!

“Please don’t be in bed.”—Sarah Anderson

-Sarah prayed when she was looking for her mother in their house. She didn’t want to see her mother lying on bed because it means that her mother feels the aches and pains of her disease. When she sees her mother like that, she also feels the same. She looked at the bedroom but her mother was not there, so she felt relieved and glad. Unknowingly, her mother was already sent to the hospital because of her cancer that started to become complicated.

“Mothers didn’t die, not mothers!”—Sarah Anderson

- Sarah angrily expressed this passage to her father when she knew her mother was dying. She didn’t want her mother to be dead for she has responsibility and things to teach to her. She really loves her mother more than her father. Losing a mother is like losing a leg that will make your life incomplete and sometimes because of it, you can’t face your better future because there’s no mother who will guide and help you in times of troubles.

“Don’t let anybody tell you differently. What we’re going through stinks. It’s just plain stinks.”—Mrs. Anderson

-Sarah’s mother said this through a letter before she died. She wrote it on December 24, 1:00 in the morning, a few hours before she had gone to heaven. This message to her daughter tells her that she should go on with her life instead of thinking what happened of her past. Don’t mind those people who look at her differently. What she is going through will come out, but there is no big deal on it.

Task: Connector
Assigned: Jay Ford Gonzales

What happened in the novel is a very sad fact of losing a loved one specifically on an hour before Christmas Eve. With this, I would like to adopt a story from our pastor in our church who suffered from a very tragic experience on heart failure. This letter comes from Ptr. Met Mendoza given to me as his personal testimony on his trip to Balut Island.

          My trip to Balut, an exotic volcanic island that is the last southeastern tip of our country was filled with excitement. I last visited the island about 10 years ago. We left General Santos City on July 22, 2010 – a Thursday at about 5:00 AM and reached Margus, Glan, Sarangani Province about 8:00 AM. There a small pump boat was waiting to take us to the island. My friend Mr. Romeo Gonzales, the National Alliance Men secretary was a little bit anxious as he saw from afar the island was shrouded with dark clouds. He feared that sailing might be dangerous and it was his first time to go. Added to his anxiety were the old pump boat’s condition and the absence of life jackets! However, our excitement and wide smiles as we boarded gave him great courage to come along.

My going there was on invitation of Mr. Francis Deposa, the District Alliance Men’s president, to be the Alliance Men’s Seminar speaker. As I approached the place I reminisced on the time when I was invited as a guest speaker and lecturer to an Interfaith Youth Fellowship to its neighboring coral island called Sarangani. Upon setting foot on Balut Island, I indeed met some of those young people now full grown dedicated Christians. I remembered God said in Isaiah 55:11 “So is my word that goes out my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

          My first speaking session that evening was fine and I felt good. That night I went to bed early thinking that I should be physically fit for the next day.

          Friday morning, I woke up feeling fresh. We were served hot soup with fresh fish caught by the islanders. However, I saw this dried salted fish so irresistible that I took one piece as an appetizer for breakfast. That piece of fish would change the rest of the day.

          The message I delivered that morning was “Stand for God.” The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:58, “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” I asked the men: What are the things in our Christian life that move us and would result to doubt the love and even the existence of God? I warned them of the danger of being moved by some hidden sins, crisis in the family relationships, lingering illness, natural calamities, extreme poverty, and injustice that we see around us. If ever these things would come to us and try to move our faith, “Stand for God.” He can be trusted.

          After giving the message I began to feel an acidic sensation on my chest. I went to Mr. Romeo Gonzales and requested him to give the lecture that I was supposed to deliver for the next session. He was very reluctant at first for the reason that his task was only to promote the activities of the National Alliance Men. But seeing me with pale face and profusely perspiring, he agreed. I gave him my materials and told him to just follow it.

          I went back to the guest room thinking that a little rest would ease the pain but the acidic sensation grew worse and began to creep to my back. I thought I had severe ulcer or bad indigestion. A pastor came and massaged my body. A town health worker took my BP but it turned out normal. Mr. Francis Deposa gave me antacid but after taking it I began to vomit. He asked me, “Can you still make it pastor?” I said, “No! I think I need to be brought to the hospital.” The men delegates were so concerned of my health that they gathered around and offered prayer. At 11:45 AM we sailed back to Margus and then to General Santos City. We reached Mindanao Medical Center at about 6:30 PM. That was a 6-hour travel!

          Somebody said that if I had known that I had a heart attack, I might not have reached the hospital alive due to panic. All throughout the 6-hour trip, I stayed calm, fully trusting God that my life was in His hand.

To all of you who have prayed for me, I truly experienced the power. I believe your prayers reached the throne of God. To those who visited me in the hospital and to those who shared monetary help: THANK YOU VERY MUCH. GOD BLESSES YOU IN MANIFOLD.

Task: Summarizer
Assigned: Ruel Labios

Mrs. Harrison is an attorney who has her office at their house, she has daughter named Sarah. Sarah with her friend Robin is always visiting their house. Sarah was used to be reprimand by her mother, every time she runs through the stairs, and she just loves it the way it is, she just loves the voice of her mother.

When one day she arrived at home and she never heard the voice of her mother. She was worried of her mom, she remembered when she hugged her so tight and her mom was hurt. She is suspecting that there is something wrong with her mothers’ health. Sarah waited for her mother. At the time that her mother arrived and her father, they said that they came from the hospital, because her mom didn’t fell well.

Sarah and Robin are gymnasts in their school. They were practicing a lot with their routines. Sarah opened-up her problem with her family to robin and so robin to Sarah. As day goes by the health of his mother went so bad, that Sarah needs to be left alone in their house, because her mother again was sent in the hospital due to her bad condition.

Sarah misses her mother so much. She became independent by the time she was alone. She wants her mother back. A week after when Sarah expected her mother come home, she arrange their favorite part of their house, and prepared some snacks for her parents. Mrs. Harrison appreciated the efforts of her daughter, and she also admitted to her daughter the true condition of her health, she admitted that she was about to die with cancer. When Sarah heard this she couldn’t believe it, she believes that mother’s don’t die. She expressed her sad feelings to her friend Robin.

Mrs. Harrison teased Sarah that she needs to wash her clothes, buy books and shop clothes. Sarah was annoyed with it because she still doesn’t believe with her mother.

Christmas was coming, so Mrs. Harrison and Sarah decided to paint and decorate the morning room, it is where they used to celebrate Christmas together.  They decided to have a Christmas party at their house. When Christmas was fast approaching, Mrs. Harrison said to Sarah that she might beat cancer and she will get better.

            Saturday morning, the day of the Christmas party, they think that it was the happiest day of their lives. Lots of friends came to their house, there is lots of food. The group decided to have Christmas carol outside, it was raining snow outside and Mrs. Harrison didn’t fell well. Mrs. Harrison was again in the hospital.

            It was Sunday – the day when Sarah and Robin are going to perform their gymnastics. They have invited their parents, and the two of them were hoping that their parents will arrive. When they performed the mother of Robin was there, and Mrs. Harrison and her husband also made it, but she is sitting on a wheelchair. This means that she’s ill. Sarah was happy that her parents made it.

            Morning of Christmas Eve, all of them were happy. They cooked foods and they will have the exchanging gifts that afternoon and not at when they used to exchanged gifts every Christmas. Sarah was mad about that. She was mad at her mother.

          She flew upstairs and cried. That moment her mother, Mrs. Harrison died. Sarah’s dad came to announce the sad news. The gift that Mrs. Harrison was about to give is a book she made for Sarah. With her words for her daughter which inspires Sarah. . At first it was hard for Sarah to accept it but as times goes by it became easy for her to move on. 

Task: Character Captain
Assigned: Rhea Nova Tindugan

·         Sarah
·         The narrator of the story
·    A 13 year old girl who is active and fond of gymnastics. She was always rehearsing along w/ Robin every after school since the school started for the gym show.
·    Sarah is so close to his mother. She can joke with her just like calling her mother “ma” knowing her mom doesn’t want to be called that way. So her mom would shout back in an awful, super loud voice “what”. It’s a joke between them.
·      She is thoughtful. She loves her mother so much. She would easily cram and got worried if something bad happens to her mom. When her mother started feeling unwell, got trouble on her sores and body pains her heart thumped so hard. The time her mom discovered that she has a cancer, Sarah got so disturbed. She was afraid of that would happen to her mom - afraid of losing her.

·         Robin
-       She is the best friend and best confidant of Sarah. Sarah shared with Robin her laughter as well as her worries especially problems about her mom.
-       A girl who is strong, brave and adventurous. Strong enough to cover her problems with her mother’s situation who has an illness, Agoraphobia.  She still tried to live normally.
-       She is an adventurous girl who wants to do things that are dangerous like walking on the peak of the roof as what she did to the ridge that has the length of Sarah’s house and the dangerous exhibition that she did during her gymnastics practice, which she planned to do in the actual show.
-       A perfect girl as described by Sarah. She has a doll cute hair, huge eyes, thick hair and figure; small and curly at the same time lumpy toenails.

·         Mrs. Harrison
·         Sarah’s mother.
·         A lively and successful lawyer, but later known to have a metastatic cancer.
·         She is a loving mother to Sarah. She knows what makes Sarah happy that is why they were so close with each other. The time she knew that her sore and body pains were not ordinary pains but were symptoms of cancer, she deliberately explained to Sarah that she will not be there for her forever. So, she taught Sarah the household stuff and everything that she needed to know.

·         Robin’s Mother
·      She has agoraphobia, never got anywhere, knows few people and rarely allows Robin to invite Sarah over.
·   She also loves her daughter so much and has a mother’s nature- to do everything for her child. She surmounted her fears just to watch her daughter, Robin perform in her gymnastics just to make Robin know that she loves her so much.

Task: Vocabulary Enricher
Assigned: Ma. Cherry Ann Clarin

These are words that are puzzling and unfamiliar in the story.

Chapter 1
·         light fixtures – sconce, bracket, candelabrum, chandelier, light fitting, lamp fitting, candleholder
·         lumpy-looking – having or filled with lumps, especially when lumps are unwanted,
·         vague – unclear, imprecise, indefinite, ambiguous, equivocal, nebulous, elusive, inexplicit, indefinable
·         squealed – screeched, yelped, shrieked, yelled, cried, howled, wailed, screamed, squeaked
·         pastrami – smoked beef: smoked and strongly seasoned beef, usually prepared from a shoulder cut, that is served cold or heated in thin slices
·         sauerkraut – pickled cabbage salad: a German dish of shredded cabbage fermented in its own juice with salt
·         rye bread – bread made from rye flour: a dark or light bread made using rye flour, often flavored with caraway seed

Chapter 2
·         yanking – sharp pulling: sudden sharp pulling or jerking
·         fiendish – difficult, trying, impossible (informal), perplexing, hard, tricky
·         tottered – walked unsteadily: moved or walked unsteadily
·         clutching – holding something tightly: gripping something tightly

Chapter 3
·         sheepishly – timidly: showing the meekness popularly associated with sheep
·         shrugged – raise and drop shoulders briefly: to raise and drop the shoulders briefly, especially to indicate indifference or lack of knowledge
·         spoilsport – somebody who spoils others' fun: somebody whose conduct spoils the pleasure of others
·         heave – move something using much effort: to pull, push, lift, or throw something heavy by exerting great physical effort, especially in a concentrated or concerted burst

Chapter 4

·         grouched – complained, grumbled, griped (informal), moaned (informal), sulked

Chapter 5
·         crammed – ate food greedily: ate food hastily and greedily
·         driveway – private road connecting to public road: a private road that enables vehicles to travel from a public road to the entrance of a building such as a house or hotel
·         rumpled – made or became unkempt: took on a disheveled appearance, or made clothes or hair untidy, e.g. by creasing clothes or pulling hair out of style

Chapter 7
·         blurted – said something impulsively: said something suddenly or impulsively, as if by accident 

Chapter 8
·         velour – thick-piled fabric like velvet: a fabric with a thick pile, similar to velvet. Use: upholstery, clothing
Chapter 11
·         hors d'oeuvres – appetizer: small portion of food served cold or hot before a meal to stimulate the appetite
·         cul-de-sac – impasse: a situation in which further progress is impossible

Chapter 13
·         jillion – huge number: a number or amount too great to specify (informal)

Chapter 16
·         spurts - sudden burst of energy: short intense burst of energy, interest, action, or speed

Task: Artful Adventurer
Assigned: Steven Jay Silah

You shouldn’t have to say goodbye is a family story undergoing many challenges and difficulties in life. It is a story of a mother suffering from Agoraphobia. Since Sarah’s mother was sick, she was so sad because aside from losing a good supporter, she misses her mother very well to the extent that her life changed when that moment came.

In the first book my task is to find/draw pictures that are memorable. Since I don’t know how to draw, I copied pictures in the internet and look for the best picture that is memorable to me. This picture is a mother with cancer and as we can see its Christmas time and she was about to cry. Sarah’s mother died during Christmas and that was my favorite since. Christmas for their family is special because they are celebrating traditionally with exchanging of gifts down to the Christmas countdown. Thus, that celebration of Christmas turned to gray when Sarah’s mother died. When I was reading the novel, I can’t help myself from crying because I can feel the pain inside their hearts in losing someone they love the most. Just imagine losing someone in a Christmas Eve when you were about to be happy and enjoy the moment.