Book 2: Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Task: Artful Adventurer
Assigned: Ma. Cherry Ann Clarin

The Truth
Where there is fear,
People shall seek for salvation.
Humans need heroes.
A scapegoat – a reality,
A weakness it is.

Where your heart seeks for comfort,
The eyes shall be blind.
For it does not see the wrong and evil,
It sees what it likes.
Evil, that is.

Where there is innocence,
A child shall bear hope.
For she is untainted –
Full of jubilee and faith.
                                                                       A light she is.           

Where courage is needed,
Humans act involuntary.
For courage is not seen
On how many battles anyone face.
                                                                   Sincerity in place.

Evil shall end,
Problems, anger, anguish and destitution,
For these do not measure,
The capacity of being human.
See that you believe and keep it.

            I wrote the poem out of nowhere. The lines are sincere and true. In the book, Narnia, it maybe a fiction, a work of imagination, but I think, the author has seen inspiration as to which represents each character.

            This is quite familiar in all hero-concept story – humans are weak; they wait for someone to stand for them. And when the hero ceases to save them, humans become spiteful.

            When someone likes something, he/she does see anything. He/she only looks at what he/she wants. And like almost all endings of antagonist, they seek for forgiveness to all the damage they have caused in the end.

            So man is imperfect in nature. And perfection is never achievable. What humans can do is to believe in the power of Almighty, and surrender everything to Him. He will do the rest.

Task: Vocabulary Enricher
Assigned: John Vincent Amoguis

1. Gloat
 – to look at or think about with great or excessive, often smug or malicious, satisfaction: The opposing team gloated over our bad luck
2. Scribble – to tear apart (wool fibers) in the first stages of carding
3. Eerie – uncanny, so as to inspire superstitious fear; weird: an eerie midnight howl; affected with superstitious fear
4. Fiddle – to make trifling or fussing movements with the hands (often followed by with)
5. Earthy – of the nature of or consisting of earth or soil; characteristic of earth: an earthy smell; coarse or unrefined: an earthy sense of humor; direct; robust; unaffected: an earthy, generous woman.
6. Squeak – to utter or emit a squeak or squeaky sound; to confess or turn informer; squeal.
7. Bramble – to look for and gather wild blackberries; pick blackberries from the vine.
8. Shudder – to tremble with a sudden convulsive movement, as from horror, fear, or cold.
9. Hoof – the horny covering protecting the ends of the digits or encasing the foot in certain animals, as the ox and horse.
10. Muzzle – to put a muzzle on (an animal or its mouth) so as to prevent biting, eating, etc; to restrain from speech, the expression of opinion, etc.: The censors muzzled the press.
11Twitch – to tug or pull at with a quick, short movement; pluck: She twitched him by the sleeve; to move (a part of the body) with a sudden, jerking motion; to move spasmodically or convulsively; jerk; jump.
12. Quiver – to shake with a slight but rapid motion; vibrate tremulously; tremble; the act or state of quivering; a tremble or tremor.
13. Crouch – to stoop or bend low; to bend close to the ground, as an animal preparing to spring or shrinking with fear; to bow or stoop servility; cringe.
14. Lashing – the act of a person or thing that lashes; a whipping with or as if with a lash; a severe scolding; tongue-lashing.
15. Beech – any tree of the genus Fagus of temperate regions, having a smooth gray bark and bearing small, edible, triangular nuts.
16. Giddy – affected with vertigo; dizzy; attended with or causing dizziness: a giddy climbs; frivolous and lighthearted; impulsive; flighty: a giddy young person.
17. Hound – to hunt or track with hounds, or as a hound does; pursue; to pursue or harass without respite: Her little brother wouldn't stop hounding her.

Task: Summarizer
Assigned: Rhea Nova Tindugan

Amidst the war taking place in London lived the Pevensie family. Because of the chaos and danger brought by the war, Mrs. Pevensie decided to send her children, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy out of the country and took refuge to a house of an eccentric Prof. Gregory Kirke. The children find the place so boring so they decided to play hide and seek which carries Lucy to discover to a wardrobe that leads to a magical world called Narnia.

            Narnia is a weird and wonderful place where animals can talk. This place was ruled by an evil white witch who has made it snow the hundred years. The white witch has a power of turning anyone into a stone with the use of her scepter that is why no one can fight against her except the mighty lion, Aslan. But Aslan alone could not beat the whit witch. According to an old prophecy, two daughters and sons of adams must join with the mighty lion, Aslan to defeat the evil white witch and this means that the four human, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are the chosen ones who could help Narnia.

            With the help of the gifts given by the Father Christmas which includes bottle made of diamond with  fire- flowered juice that heals, small dagger for Lucy; a bow and an ivory horn that will summon aid from anywhere for Susan; a shield and a sword containing a runic message, they were able to fight against the white witch. The four children, the mighty Lion, the helpful bears and the other animals in their side helped each other to fight for the freedom of the creatures in Narnia from the evil white witch.

Task: Literary Luminary
Assigned: Steven Jay Silah

“this must be a simple enormous wardrobe”

I like this passage because this is where everything started. They were so curious about the professor’s old wardrobe. Lucy was the one who entered the mysterious wardrobe and that she found out that the wardrobe is the tunnel to Narnia. Narnia is a place where immortal creatures reside.

“Edmund stood and waited, his finger is aching with cold and his heart pounding in his chest and presently the great woof , Maugrim, the chief of the witch’s secret police, came bounding back and said, “Come in, come in! fortunate favorate of the queen-or else not so fortunate".

This passage is also remarkable for me. At this time Edmund met the Witch whom He thought a good friend of him. The witch is so faithful in terms of giving food to Edmond sense he was hungry, not knowing that the witch has a terrible plan for the kid. In this passage i have seen that Edmund  is getting afraid of the weird surrounding. The statement of the beast also co notates that the Witch’s favorite  is the boy and if the boy will do things unnecessary he will pay for it.

"tie the hand of the human creature behind it and keep hold of the end of the rope and take your whip”

Revealing the real attitude of the Witch, the boy was put in to a risky situation knowing that the witch will kidnap him and that he needs his friend to salvage him. The power Witch has the power in everything in which she can do things according to her plan.
We should not give our trust to a stranger because we don’t know what are the things he/she is thinking. That stranger might hurt us emotionally, and physically.

“and don’t talk too much about it even among yourselves don’t mention it to anyone else unless you find that they’ve had adventures  of the same sort themselves."

This warning from the professor made an impact to me. Narnia is a mysterious place where many unusual thing exist in besides talking about this mysterious worlds is strictly prohibited for there are a lot of untold secrets in that world. I think the professor knew something about the mystery behind the old wardrobe. I don’t know his secret identity but I think he has something to reveal in the next Narnia book, aside from his mystifying identity, he owns the wardrobe as well.

Task: Connector
Assigned: Mary Grace Apdua

The second book we choose was “Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe”. Narnia was one of the bestselling books and once become a trending movie. In fact, I saw this story when I was in High School. The story runs in the wardrobe which was a magical world inside it. It was very beautiful and exciting. The story was very entertaining.

            My role in this book was being the “Connector”, as I received the role; I knew already what to answer and to connect. One thing I rally observed very much was the fight between the two brothers and I can relate it to the real world.

            The relationship of the two brothers was very bad. As I read the story, there were some misunderstanding between the two and a pressure. Maybe this was the result of what happened to them as their father died before their mother sent them in the house of Professor. The little brother felt so much insecurities and jealousy. Me too, experienced this kind of instances, between me and my sisters. I think it was very natural when neither sisters nor brothers have this kind of problems, but not really much. You can really fell insecurities when your parents give some things or give attentions to your brothers or sisters. You can fell the jealousy in your heart.

            In the story, the little brother betrayed his brother to become powerful and strong. He decided to be on the evil side for his selfish motives. But he receives nothing. But at the end, they learned to forgive each other. Like in reality, real brothers and sisters forgive each other, despites of the hurts and pain. All the hurts will fade away, because “Blood is thicker than water”.

            Another was the selfishness for the power. The witch on the story or the antagonist wanted the power, she wants to be the ruler of the Narnia. She wants the power, the fame and the position. She did everything to get it even lots of people will be affected. As I compared it to the real life situation, lots of people do it. Because of the power, fame and wealth, they will do everything, even there are people will be on danger. They just think for their own sake and ignore those people who surrounded them. But at the end, goodness will always reign.

Task: Character Captain
Assigned: Ruel Labios

·         Aslan
Aslan is a brave leader of the creatures of Narnia. He shows his braveness when he fight for his constituents and for Narnia against the wicked White Witch.  He shows what a true leader is, and he face the challenges that he may encounter
Despite of all the dangers that could cause him, he remains calm and he thinks as a    leader of all creatures in Narnia. Even they are in the middle of a war he still thinks as a leader.
              Despite that Edmund had done a mistake before he accepted him with wide open arms. He is just to forgive Edmund; he gave him a second chance to prove himself.

·         White Witch
            The white witch pretended to Edmund that she is the queen and leader of Narnia. She also showed to Edmund that she is a good queen and not a wicked witch. She pretends to be friend and that she cares about Narnia.
            The White Witch is a big traitor first was when betrayed Edmund that she will proclaim him as prince of Narnia and he will treat him nice but she didn’t do it; instead he put Edmund into a dungeon,
              She abuses the power of her wand to manipulate the weather of Narnia and the creatures under her leadership; she can put a creature into a stone in an instant. She used her power to control the creatures enabling her to kill the sons of Adam and daughters of eve.

·         Peter
              Peter is brave young man, even though he still young he finds a way to be brave for Narnia and for the creatures of Narnia. At first he is afraid to fight, but he did very well to fight for Narnia
              As the eldest among the four siblings, he manages to handle every situation that they have encountered and to handle things about her brother and sisters. He is balances every consequences of his decisions to make decision for the good of all.

·         Edmund
              At first he is a very naughty boy, he makes fun of his siblings. He also didn’t listen to them; even peter and Susan are older than him. He doesn’t listen or obey to any of his siblings. He still went to the castle of the White Witch even his siblings didn’t want to.
              Edmund betrayed his siblings, when he put his loyalty to the White Witch which also betrayed him, instead of going with his siblings; he still went on to the castle because he wants to be a prince of Narnia.
              Even he knows that he had done something wrong to his siblings, he still proceed to ask forgiveness to his siblings and to Aslan, for he tried to totally betray all of them.

·         Lucy
              Even she doesn’t know yet anything about Narnia and the creatures residing in Narnia, she still trusted the faun. She befriended the faun, because she believed that the faun is a good one
              She forgave Edmund, despite of ignoring her story about the place called Narnia and for betraying them and even Edmund have mistakes against her.
              Aslan entrusted the magic cordial to Lucy for she will use it times of need. She never hesitates to use the magic cordial to Edmund who needs the help of the cordial, and for the other creatures of Narnia.

·         Susan
            Even she faces a fight she remains calm and thinks of what she will do.
            She shows compassion for Aslan when she thought that Aslan was already dead.  And she joins the fight against the troupe of the White Witch, for she cares about the future of Narnia. 

Task: Discussion Director
Assigned: Jay Ford Gonzales

            An old professor was living in the heart of the country alone with his three maids. What would possibly be the reason why he has no wife or even relatives at that big mansion? Is he afraid of loving or he experienced traumatic scenario from the past?

As Lucy entered into one of the rooms inside the mansion, what made her feel uneasy and unsatisfied? Is there someone or something boggling her mind? When she entered the wardrobe, what made her think to keep on moving until reaching an exotic place? Isn’t she afraid to be lost? “Excuse me – I don’t want to be inquisitive – but should I be right in thinking that you are a daughter of Eve? Faun once said. In this statement, who is Eve? Is she the Eve on the bible or a literal character on the story? I wonder why Narnia has been experiencing winter all throughout the year. Is it a curse or just mere phenomena on the story?

As Edmund discovered Narnia, he met a queen with an astonishing reindeers and dwarfs. After experiencing the Narnia’s environment, why is he acting miserably? Does the queen have something to do with the way he acts?

Because of the peculiar happenings with Edmund and Lucy, Peter and Susan approached the professor. Is he telling the truth about Narnia or just pretending to know a little information that the children need to find the answers by themselves? Due to curiosity, the four children had already reached Narnia.

As they decided to make Lucy as their guide, they were all shocked to what they saw. The house of Mr. Tumnus was destroyed. What happened to it? Was it accidentally destroyed or someone forced to destroy it? As the beaver was trying to secure the children, he mentioned a name Aslan, who could that be? Was he a traitor or a savior?
Mr. Beaver once said that if the two daughters of Eve and the two sons of Adam sit on the throne of Narnia then the end will come. What does it mean? Humans will possess magical powers to conquer Narnia?

After a long conversation, they notice that Edmund was missing, where might he be? Was he at Queen’s spell already or just making himself unwind outside the hut?